Heartfelt Thought Pieces

The Classroom at the Top of the Stairs

Transition is part of being human and becoming the best we can be as we climb the stairways of our lives. Join Helen Teague as she describes why targeted, tailored transition coaching for individuals and their organisations epitomizes equity, with benefits for individuals and their organisations.

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Holding the Invisible

Transitions often come in waves, combining to hit us with unpredictable power. Yet how often do we step back from our busyness to reflect on our response to transitions? Join Helen Teague for a long walk on her favourite beach, where she finds wisdom in the waves.

This article was published in the Association for Coaching’s, Coaching Perspectives Magazine, July 2023

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Same Storm, Different Boats – None of Them Storm-Proof

Everyone’s experience of the Covid-19 pandemic has been different. We should explore and embrace those perspectives in search of an enriched future for all, says Helen Teague.

This article was published in the Association for Coaching’s, Coaching Perspectives Magazine, July 2020

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